Raptor Presentation by Hoo’s Woods Raptor Center

On Sunday, April 16, 2023, Friends of MacKenzie Center members were able to learn a great deal about raptors and got to see four live birds at a presentation by Dianne Moller, director of Hoo’s Woods Raptor Center in Milton, WI. The center is a non-profit organization dedicated to the rehabilitation of raptor species (eagles, hawks, owls, falcons and vultures) founded in 1998. It also focuses on education and uses birds which are unable to be returned to the wild (usually due to injuries) as teaching ambassadors.  We got to see a Saw Whet Owl, Broadwinged Hawk, Snowy Owl and Bald Eagle.  The program was originally scheduled as part of our Friends of MacKenzie annual meeting in January, but had to be postponed due to weather.  Programs like these are a great reason to join the Friends of MacKenzie!

Diane with SawWhet OwlBroadwinged HawkSnowy OwlBald Eagle