• Bison in Wisconsin

    Friends of MacKenzie

    We come together as volunteers to promote and share environmental education in Wisconsin by supporting education programs in the Poynette area.

    The Friends of MacKenzie is a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization. Memorials, gifts, bequests and other donations greatly help us fulfill our mission.

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  • Volunteer at Maple Fest


    We are people just like you who have the desire to give part of themselves to a worthwhile cause. It is fun, educational and hard work at times, but the rewards are great!

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  • Red Fox in Snow


    Educational events are the heart of what we do. Throughout the year we host fun events for children and families that teach science, history, and environmental stewardship.


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Friends help in so many ways. We…

Support the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources in the operation of the MacKenzie Center.

Offer scholarships to schools to help offset the rising costs associated with field trips to the center, such as transportation, food, etc.

Volunteer thousands of hours each year with a multitude of tasks; woodcutting, maple program, volunteer teaching, lawn care, snow removal, and more!

Donate to help us spread environmental awareness in Wisconsin

Where to find us

  • Friends of MacKenzie
  • PO Box 225
  • Poynette, WI 53955
  • 608-635-8105

Business Hours

  • Monday to Sunday
  • 10 am to 4 pm