Work Day

Finishing House

Looking ahead to the upcoming Pope & Young Rendezvous, selected prairie areas will need to be  mowed to provide for additional parking space. Steven has asked for help to walk the areas prior to mowing to locate and mark any obstacles the mower operator will need to avoid. We would like to have 10 to ... Read More

MOHEE set up

Finishing House

Help set up for the Midwest Outdoor Heritage Education Event.


Finishing House

The Annual Midwest Outdoor Heritage Education Event will take place at the MacKenzie Center on May 18 and May 19, 2016.  The Friends will help serve breakfast from 7:30 - 9:30 am (be there at 7 am) and lunch from 11:30 am - 1 pm.  Help is also needed to staff the Friends gift tent ... Read More


Finishing House

The annual Midwest Outdoor Heritage Education Event is being held at the MacKenzie Center on May 18 and May 19, 2016.  Friends will help serve breakfast from 7:30 am - 9:30 am (be there at 7 am) and lunch from 11:30 am - 1 pm.  Help is also needed to staff the Friends gift tent ... Read More

Goat fence work day


To all MacKenzie Friends and volunteers, Goats have been used by a number of individuals and organizations (including the US Fish and Wildlife Service and US Forest Service) as a way to control invasive plant species.  The wildlife management team at MacKenzie will be trying this out soon.  To get ready, a fence to keep people ... Read More

Planning meeting for P&Y Rendezvous

Finishing House

Friends volunteers are needed to help at the Pope & Young Rendezvous scheduled for June 10-12, 2016, 8 am - 3 pm each day.  This meeting will be to confirm assignments, get updates, and deal with any issues or questions.  Please let Don Lucke ([email protected]) know if you are able to help. Friends Responsibilities:   ... Read More

Pope & Young Set-up Day

The MacKenzie Center W7303 County Highway CS, Poynette, United States

Staff from Pope & Young set up targets, tents, and final grounds preparation.

Pope & Young Set-up Day

The MacKenzie Center W7303 County Highway CS, Poynette, United States

Staff from Pope & Young set up targets, tents, and final grounds preparation.