Friends of MacKenzie Scholarship

This scholarship is for high school seniors or others planning to attend a post-secondary institution on a full-time basis or current college students attending full time. Recipient will be a student majoring or minoring in environmental education, outdoor education, natural resources, or a closely related field. 

Scholarship amount is $1,000. 

Recipient will be a resident of Columbia County or a graduate or soon-to-be graduate of a Columbia County high school. 

Application deadline is March 15 of the current year. 

Friends of the MacKenzie Center reserve the right to award more than one scholarship if funds are available or no scholarships if no applicants adequately meet the requirements. 

Scholarship money will be awarded following successful completion of one semester of full-time post-secondary (at least 12 credits) enrollment with a GPA of B (3.0) or better and evidence of full-time enrollment for the next semester. It is the recipient’s responsibility to notify the Friends of MacKenzie Scholarship Committee of his/her eligibility by sending copies of the first semester’s successful completion and the next semester’s schedule or other proof of registration. 

Scholarship expires and will not be honored if payment is not requested within one year of the award. 

Scholarship may be awarded twice to any one recipient. 

Scholarship Rules

Scholarship Application