
Being a Friends member gives you the opportunity to give of your time and talent for a great cause with a dedicated group of people. The rewards are fantastic, from the reaction of youngsters seeing tap come out of a tree, to working with a group to successfully complete a maintenance project or hearing compliments after Maplefest.

It is a wonderful feeling to work with a group of people from different backgrounds working together for a common cause…a great place to be!

Come and join the Friends and be a part of this great experience!

I started volunteering with the Friends of Mackenzie as a tour guide for the spring maple program.   As a teacher, I love being able to teach in this beautiful outdoor setting and getting to know a little about the many students, teachers, and chaperones who come each year. I also enjoy the camaraderie of working with the other volunteers and the MacKenzie staff. After awhile I also started volunteering at work days, helping out occasionally with school groups and special events at MacKenzie and now as a Friends board member. Going to the MacKenzie Center is a “must” whenever we have friends or family visiting and is a “go to” place for me for a quick hike, a picnic, or as a starting place for a bike ride. It just makes sense to give back to an organization that means so much to me.

Deb Wearne-Neurohr

It is fun, educational, and hard work at times, but the rewards are great. By becoming an active participant, you can make a difference in your community.

Contact us at 608-635-8105 or friendsofmackenzie@gmail.com and tell us what your interests are. Each year we need help with the Maple Education Program, the Annual Maple Festival and other annual events. You can also teach classes, assist educators and perform maintenance throughout the property at other times of the year.

Volunteer training

Every individual has their own niche with skills that can be put to use immediately.

Teachers, carpenters, homemakers, Jacks or Jills of all trades: whatever your background, we can offer you a variety of new experiences. New volunteers receive training in a variety of ways. It may be in a group, one-on-one or an on-the-job learning experience. You will never be asked to do something without being comfortable and ready! If you have never volunteered before, this is a great opportunity to give it a try. Many new friendships develop and wonderful memories are guaranteed. Here’s your opportunity to learn a new skill or increase your personal knowledge.

The Friends of MacKenzie Center is seeking volunteers of all types to help out at the Center with events, programs, and work days. No experience is required for most volunteer opportunities, as we will provide the training you need. For trail and maintenance work you will work alongside other volunteers to build relationships as well as help the Center.

Most events will involve a short orientation where experienced volunteers can show you the way and help you get rolling. For the Maple Education Program, the Friends work with MacKenzie staff to hold a two-day training at the end of February. This training helps both new and returning volunteers become familiar with the program and their individual role. This way, the Center can insure high quality and consistent programming for all users.

Conducting outdoor skills workshops: Friends of MacKenzie provide breakfast items, coffee, soft drinks, and lunch. Volunteers design the menu, purchase the food, prepare the food, serve the food, and clean up after meals. Coordinators and workers are in great need in this area.

Maintenance of trails, exhibits and facilities: This includes Clearing trails, Restoring native prairies, Controlling invasive plants, Cutting and splitting wood, Building repairs

Fundraising: Volunteers coordinate the Maple Fest and other events by securing volunteers to staff stations, provide support services, coordinate advertising, and clean-up.

Maple Education Program: This includes Leading maple education tours, Collecting sap, Making syrup and more!

Annual Maple Festival: This one day event needs coordinators and volunteers to park patrons, lead education tours, cook pancake breakfast, collect for meal tickets, set-up and clean-up.

Interesting in being a volunteer? We WOULD love having you! Please fill this out. Volunteer interest form

Submit your volunteer hours electronically

Printable PDF Volunteer Form